Eating correct food & Correctly eating food

Food is a compulsory necessity of our human body.

Following are some MUST-DOs & NEVER-DOs of Eating that if followed can do wonders:

Reduce the amount of Salt, Sugar, White flour (Maida) in your diet as much as possible.
Salt increases blood pressure.
Sugar drains calcium. Maida kills probiotics.

Never eat raw-veggies and cooked food together.
If fruits/salads are to be eaten, eat them 45 mins before eating cooked food.

Eat a very-heavy breakfast before morning (9am), followed by a tummy-filling lunch at noon (1pm), followed by a light dinner at evening (5pm).
Do not eat anything after evening (5pm).
If you feel hungry after 5pm, have warm milk at night (9pm).

Drink fruit juices with breakfast & butter-milk with lunch.

Always eat while sitting on the ground (else on a chair).

Always eat warm food.
Never eat cold food.

Within 45 mins of having food don't:
Sleep or Yawn or Loosen-your-tummy-belt or Walk or Run or Piss or Shit

Enjoy what you eat.
Be happy when you eat.
Avoid eating when you are either angry or sad.
While eating, concentrate on eating and don't think of anything else while eating.
Don't speak/talk during the entire duration while you are eating.
Let eating be like meditation to you.

Chew your food 40 times in your mouth before swallowing it down to your stomach.

Amount of cooked vegetables should always be double the amount of bread that you eat together.

Make lemon, ginger, raw-veggies, probiotics, carrot (was initially grown as medicine), pepper, part of your daily food intake.

Eating probiotics (curd, apple vinegar, fermented vinegar) empty stomach will increase the quantity of good bacteria in stomach and will hence improve digestion.

If needed, once a week Trifala Churana (1TbSp with 2 mouthful of warm-water) can be consumed after dinner once in a week.

Have min 1 and max 2-3 cups of Green tea daily.

Avoid these:
  • Deep fried foods
  • Sausages
  • Butter (prefer cow-ghee instead)
  • Fast-food
  • Sodas & cold-drinks
  • Milk-tea or Milk-coffee (have black tea/coffee instead)
  • Sweets made using sugar (instead, prefer the ones made with jaggery)
Follow Water-drinking rules (click here to read).

Excess of any food; no matter how medicinal it is; is similar to taking poison (so, eat ONLY 1 apple, ONLY 5 almonds, only 2 eggs, etc. - in a day).

Avoid plastic or aluminium containers for storing eatable & drinks (especially if/when the eatable/drink is hot/warm).
Prefer food-grade plastic or steel or glass or copper instead.

Don't cook food in non-stick or aluminium utensils.
Prefer Copper or Steel or Hard anodized aluminium. 

All of the above points have been taken from the internet and are not any doctor's advice...

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