if Water can Build & it can Destroy too

Water is a compulsory necessity of our human body.

But there are certain MUST-DOs & NEVER-DOs of Water-Drinking:

1. Never drink cold water - Always drink warm or normal-temperature water

2. Drink water only 45 mins before & 45 mins after having food or fruits - Don't drink water with food - If needed, drink warm-water with food

3. Always sit and drink water

4. Drink water slowly (small gulp at a time) - Don't drink all water in 1 go - Take 1 small gulp of water and rotate it in your mouth and then swallow it

5. Don't drink water with fruits

6. Don't drink water within 15 mins after urinating

7. Drink only when you feel thirsty & drink only that much amount that you feel like drinking

8. Drink 1 cup of water before taking a bath

9. Drink minimum 1 glass or max 1 ltr of water immediately after waking up - warm water at this time will have additional benefits

10. Avoid drinking water just before sleeping - Drink no more than 2 gulps of water before sleeping

11. Empty your bladder before going to bed at night.

All of the above points have been taken from the internet and are not any doctor's advice...

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