Daily habits and Life tips - for Success & Health

Few habits & life-tips that you can follow daily:

1. Always sleep to your left side

2. Read 1 new word daily morning - and try to use it over the day in your conversations

3. Slightly massage your gums with your finger after brushing your teeth

4. Sleep for 6 (min) to 8 (max) hours daily

5. Fix your body clock - wake, eat, sleep, etc at the same time daily

6. Take a break of 5 mins after every 50 mins of brain-activity

7. If you are learning something new, learn it in smaller daily chunks of 100 mins

8. Walk for 30 (min) to 50 (max) mins daily

9. Ideal distance for reading/writing should be 15 (min) to 25 (max) inches from the eyes

10. Eat 5 almonds daily (preferred - morning on an empty stomach) and 2 walnuts

11. Do Anulom-Vilom (breathing exercise) for 5 (min) to 10 (max) mins daily

12. Have 1 cup of Green Tea daily

13. Fast for 1 day every fortnight - Consume only Water that day

14. Keep your body hydrated - Keep drinking water and keep urinating (Prefer drinking water stored in a copper-lota)

15. Don't let your body go without food for more than 8 hours - plan your breakfast, lunch, dinner, and other eating timings accordingly

16. Never skip your breakfast (prefer having a heavy breakfast before sunrise)

17. To maintain body-weight, either increase output (exercise) or reduce input (food)

18. Wash your hands with soap for 20 seconds - count till 30 if you don't have a watch!

All of the above points have been taken from the internet and are not any doctor's advice...

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