5 Mistakes to avoid in Resume - Interview tips from Google

Mistake 1: Typos

A 2013 survey found that 58% of resumes have typos.

Read your resume from bottom to top: reversing the normal order helps you focus on each line in isolation. Or have someone else proofread closely for you.

Mistake 2: Length

1 page of resume for every 10 years of work experience. 

Think about it this way: 
Sole purpose of a resume is to get you an interview. 
That’s it. 
It’s not to convince a hiring manager to say “yes” to you (that’s what the interview is for) or to tell your life’s story (that’s what a patient spouse is for). 
Your resume is a tool that gets you to that first interview. 
Once you’re in the room, the resume doesn’t matter much.

Mistake 3: Formatting

At least 10-point font. 
At least half-inch margins. 
White paper.
Black ink. 
Consistent spacing between lines
Columns aligned
Your name and contact information on every page.

Look at it in both Google Docs and MS Word, and then attach it to an email and open it as a preview. Formatting can get garbled when moving across platforms.

Saving it as a PDF is a good way to go.

Mistake 4: Confidential information

Its found that at least 5-10% of resumes reveal confidential information.

So, as an employer, I would never hire such candidates, unless I want my own trade secrets emailed to my competitors.

Mistake 5: Lies

You can easily get busted - The internet, reference checks, and people who worked at your company in the past can all reveal your fraud.

Lies follow you forever - Fib on your resume and 15 years later get a big promotion and are discovered? Fired. And try explaining that in your next interview.


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