Daily habits and Life tips - for Success & Health

Few habits & life-tips that you can follow daily:

1. Always sleep to your left side

2. Read 1 new word daily morning - and try to use it over the day in your conversations

3. Slightly massage your gums with your finger after brushing your teeth

4. Sleep for 6 (min) to 8 (max) hours daily

5. Fix your body clock - wake, eat, sleep, etc at the same time daily

6. Take a break of 5 mins after every 50 mins of brain-activity

7. If you are learning something new, learn it in smaller daily chunks of 100 mins

8. Walk for 30 (min) to 50 (max) mins daily

9. Ideal distance for reading/writing should be 15 (min) to 25 (max) inches from the eyes

10. Eat 5 almonds daily (preferred - morning on an empty stomach) and 2 walnuts

11. Do Anulom-Vilom (breathing exercise) for 5 (min) to 10 (max) mins daily

12. Have 1 cup of Green Tea daily

13. Fast for 1 day every fortnight - Consume only Water that day

14. Keep your body hydrated - Keep drinking water and keep urinating (Prefer drinking water stored in a copper-lota)

15. Don't let your body go without food for more than 8 hours - plan your breakfast, lunch, dinner, and other eating timings accordingly

16. Never skip your breakfast (prefer having a heavy breakfast before sunrise)

17. To maintain body-weight, either increase output (exercise) or reduce input (food)

18. Wash your hands with soap for 20 seconds - count till 30 if you don't have a watch!

All of the above points have been taken from the internet and are not any doctor's advice...

Eating correct food & Correctly eating food

Food is a compulsory necessity of our human body.

Following are some MUST-DOs & NEVER-DOs of Eating that if followed can do wonders:

Reduce the amount of Salt, Sugar, White flour (Maida) in your diet as much as possible.
Salt increases blood pressure.
Sugar drains calcium. Maida kills probiotics.

Never eat raw-veggies and cooked food together.
If fruits/salads are to be eaten, eat them 45 mins before eating cooked food.

Eat a very-heavy breakfast before morning (9am), followed by a tummy-filling lunch at noon (1pm), followed by a light dinner at evening (5pm).
Do not eat anything after evening (5pm).
If you feel hungry after 5pm, have warm milk at night (9pm).

Drink fruit juices with breakfast & butter-milk with lunch.

Always eat while sitting on the ground (else on a chair).

Always eat warm food.
Never eat cold food.

Within 45 mins of having food don't:
Sleep or Yawn or Loosen-your-tummy-belt or Walk or Run or Piss or Shit

Enjoy what you eat.
Be happy when you eat.
Avoid eating when you are either angry or sad.
While eating, concentrate on eating and don't think of anything else while eating.
Don't speak/talk during the entire duration while you are eating.
Let eating be like meditation to you.

Chew your food 40 times in your mouth before swallowing it down to your stomach.

Amount of cooked vegetables should always be double the amount of bread that you eat together.

Make lemon, ginger, raw-veggies, probiotics, carrot (was initially grown as medicine), pepper, part of your daily food intake.

Eating probiotics (curd, apple vinegar, fermented vinegar) empty stomach will increase the quantity of good bacteria in stomach and will hence improve digestion.

If needed, once a week Trifala Churana (1TbSp with 2 mouthful of warm-water) can be consumed after dinner once in a week.

Have min 1 and max 2-3 cups of Green tea daily.

Avoid these:
  • Deep fried foods
  • Sausages
  • Butter (prefer cow-ghee instead)
  • Fast-food
  • Sodas & cold-drinks
  • Milk-tea or Milk-coffee (have black tea/coffee instead)
  • Sweets made using sugar (instead, prefer the ones made with jaggery)
Follow Water-drinking rules (click here to read).

Excess of any food; no matter how medicinal it is; is similar to taking poison (so, eat ONLY 1 apple, ONLY 5 almonds, only 2 eggs, etc. - in a day).

Avoid plastic or aluminium containers for storing eatable & drinks (especially if/when the eatable/drink is hot/warm).
Prefer food-grade plastic or steel or glass or copper instead.

Don't cook food in non-stick or aluminium utensils.
Prefer Copper or Steel or Hard anodized aluminium. 

All of the above points have been taken from the internet and are not any doctor's advice...

if Water can Build & it can Destroy too

Water is a compulsory necessity of our human body.

But there are certain MUST-DOs & NEVER-DOs of Water-Drinking:

1. Never drink cold water - Always drink warm or normal-temperature water

2. Drink water only 45 mins before & 45 mins after having food or fruits - Don't drink water with food - If needed, drink warm-water with food

3. Always sit and drink water

4. Drink water slowly (small gulp at a time) - Don't drink all water in 1 go - Take 1 small gulp of water and rotate it in your mouth and then swallow it

5. Don't drink water with fruits

6. Don't drink water within 15 mins after urinating

7. Drink only when you feel thirsty & drink only that much amount that you feel like drinking

8. Drink 1 cup of water before taking a bath

9. Drink minimum 1 glass or max 1 ltr of water immediately after waking up - warm water at this time will have additional benefits

10. Avoid drinking water just before sleeping - Drink no more than 2 gulps of water before sleeping

11. Empty your bladder before going to bed at night.

All of the above points have been taken from the internet and are not any doctor's advice...

one of the most powerful Shloka of Bhagavad Gita - Yada yada hi Dharmasya

One of the most powerful shloka in Bhagavad Gita:

यदा यदा हि धर्मस्य ग्लानिर्भवति भारत ।
अभ्युत्थानमधर्मस्य तदात्मानं सृजाम्यहम् ।।7।।

परित्राणाय साधूनां विनाशाय च दुष्कृताम् ।
धर्मसंस्थापनार्थाय संभवामि युगे युगे ।।8।।

Meaning in Hindi:

भारत = हे भारत; यदा = जब; यदा = जब; धर्मस्य = धर्म की; ग्लानि: = हानि (और ); अधर्मस्य = अधर्म की; अभ्युत्थानम् = वृद्वि; भवति =होती है; तदा = तब तब; हि = ही; अहम् = मैं; आत्मानम् = अपने रूप को; सृजामि = रचना हूं अर्थात् प्रकट करता हूं।

साधूनाम् = साधुपुरुषों का; परित्राणाय = उद्धार करने के लिये; च = और; दुष्कृताम् = दूषित कर्म करने वालों का; विनाशाय = नाश करने के लिये (तथा ); धर्मसंस्थापनार्थाय = धर्म स्थापन करने के लिये; युगे = युग; युगे = युग में; संभावामि =प्रकट होता हूं।

Meaning in English:

Whenever and wherever there is a decline in religious practice, O descendant of Bharata, and a predominant rise of irreligion at that time I descend Myself.

In order to deliver the pious and to annihilate the miscreants, as well as to reestablish the principles of religion, I advent Myself millennium after millennium.

5 Mistakes to avoid in Resume - Interview tips from Google

Mistake 1: Typos

A 2013 survey found that 58% of resumes have typos.

Read your resume from bottom to top: reversing the normal order helps you focus on each line in isolation. Or have someone else proofread closely for you.

Mistake 2: Length

1 page of resume for every 10 years of work experience. 

Think about it this way: 
Sole purpose of a resume is to get you an interview. 
That’s it. 
It’s not to convince a hiring manager to say “yes” to you (that’s what the interview is for) or to tell your life’s story (that’s what a patient spouse is for). 
Your resume is a tool that gets you to that first interview. 
Once you’re in the room, the resume doesn’t matter much.

Mistake 3: Formatting

At least 10-point font. 
At least half-inch margins. 
White paper.
Black ink. 
Consistent spacing between lines
Columns aligned
Your name and contact information on every page.

Look at it in both Google Docs and MS Word, and then attach it to an email and open it as a preview. Formatting can get garbled when moving across platforms.

Saving it as a PDF is a good way to go.

Mistake 4: Confidential information

Its found that at least 5-10% of resumes reveal confidential information.

So, as an employer, I would never hire such candidates, unless I want my own trade secrets emailed to my competitors.

Mistake 5: Lies

You can easily get busted - The internet, reference checks, and people who worked at your company in the past can all reveal your fraud.

Lies follow you forever - Fib on your resume and 15 years later get a big promotion and are discovered? Fired. And try explaining that in your next interview.


Most Powerful Intense Fiery hindi song - Aarambh Hai Prachand

Aarambh hai
The beginning is mammothly intense, fiery, stunning, glorious, powerful & unstoppable

Mastakon ke Jhund
Say the collection of people

Aaj jung ki ghadi ki tum guhaar do
Today is the time of war, give a shout!

Aan baan shaan
Pride, show, prestige

Yaa ki jaan ka ho daan
Or life itself to be sacrificed

Aaj ek dhanush ke baan pe utaar do
Give up your everything to an arrow from the bow

Man kare so 
Pran deIf the mind wishes, he give his life

Jo man kare so 
Pran leIf the mind wishes, he takes lives of others

Wahi to ek 
Sarv shaktimaan haiThat is the man who is most powerful

Krishna ki 
Pukaar haiThis is the call Krishan gave

Ye Bhaagwat ka 
Saar haiThis is the essence of the Bhagvat Gita

Ki yuddh hi to 
Veer ka 
Pramaan haiThat war is the proof of valor

Kaurawon ki 
Bheed hoBe it a horde of Kauravs

Ya paandavon ka 
Neerd hoOr the strength of the Pandavas

Jo lad sakaa hai wohi to 
Mahaan haiHe who can fight is the only one who is all powerful

Jeet ki hawas nahi
No greed for winning

Kisi pe koi vash nahi
No control over anyone

Kya zindagi hai thokaron pe maar do
What is this life – kick it away

Maut ant hai nahi
Death is not the end

Toh maut se bhi kyun darein
Then why be afraid to die

Ye jaake aasmaano mein dahaad do
Go shout this out to the skies!

Woh dayaa ka bhaav yaa ki
Is it the feeling of pity

Shaurya ka chunaav yaa ki
Or the choice of valor

Haar ka wo ghaav tum ye soch lo
Or is it the wound of failure, ponder on it

Yaa ki bhoore bhaal par
Should your brown face

Jalaa rahe vijay ka laal
Be lit with the red of victory

Laal ye gulaal tum ye soch lo
This red vermillion, ponder on it

Rang kesari ho ya mridang kesari ho
The color is saffron, or the drum is saffron

Ya ki kesari ho taal tum ye soch lo
Or is the beat saffron, ponder on it!

Jis kavi ki kalpana mein
The poet whose imagination

Zindagi ho prem geet
Thinks life is a song of love

Us kavi ko aaj tum nakaar do
Today deny that poet

Bheegti naso mein aaj
In your drenched veins

Phoolti ragon mein aaj
In your pounding blood

Aag ki lapat ka tum bhaghaar do
Throw in a sizzle of the flames of fire

आरम्भ है प्रचण्ड, बोले मस्तकों के झुंड, आज ज़ंग की घड़ी की तुम गुहार दो
The beginning is fierce, say the hordes of heads, give a shout of time of war today

आन बान शान या कि जान का हो दान आज इक धनुष के बाण पे उतार दो
Pride, show, prestige, or life itself needs to be sacrificed, give (it all up) to an arrow from the bow

मन करे सो प्राण दे, जो मन करे सो प्राण ले, वही तो एक सर्वशक्तिमान है
That who Sacrifices life by his own will, and takes life by his own will, that is the man who is most powerful

कृष्ण की पुकार है, ये भागवत का सार है कि युद्ध ही तो वीर का प्रमाण है
This is the call Krishan gave, this is the essence of the Bhagvat (Gita), that war is the proof of valor

कौरवों की भीड़ हो या पांडवों का नीड़ हो जो लड़ सका है वो ही तो महान है
Be it a horde of Kauravs, or the strength of Pandvas, one who can fight,is the one who is most grateful

जीत की हवस नहीं, किसी पे कोई वश नहीं, क्या ज़िन्दगी है ठोकरों पे मार दो
No greed for winning, no control over anyone, what life is that,which is spent in vain

मौत अंत है नहीं, तो मौत से भी क्यों डरें, ये जा के आसमान में दहाड़ दो
Death is not the End, then why be afraid to die, go shout this out to the skies!

वो दया का भाव, या कि शौर्य का चुनाव, या कि हार का वो घाव तुम ये सोच लो
Is it the feeling of pity, or the choice of valor, or the wound of failure, think about these

या कि पूरे भाल पे जला रहे विजय का लाल, लाल यह गुलाल तुम ये सोच लो
Should your brown face, be lit with the red of victory, this red vermillion, think about it

रंग केसरी हो या मृदंग केसरी हो या कि केसरी हो ताल तुम ये सोच लो
Should the color is saffron, or the drum be saffron, or the beat saffron, think about it

जिस कवि की कल्पना में, ज़िन्दगी हो प्रेम गीत, उस कवि को आज तुम नकार दो
The poet whose imagination, thinks life is a song of love, today deny that poet

भीगती मसों में आज, फूलती रगों में आज, आग की लपट का तुम बघार दो
In your drenched veins, in your pounding blood, throw in a sizzle of the flames of fire

Full offical song (penned by Piyush Mishra) from Gulaal Movie