can you Evaluate your Life

If you were to look back and evaluate your life YOY (year-on-year), how would you rate the actions and experiences of your life...

Luck rating
Was that the year where you gained more by sheer luck than by your actions?

Call-vs-Action rating
Did you do what was expected of you?

Future-vs-Action rating
Did you do not what was needed for the moment, but did something that would be needed in the future?

Recreational-Happiness rating
If you spent the majority of your time not doing your regular office/study, but instead put your time enjoying, traveling, entertaining, etc., did it actually bring happiness to you?

Relationship-Happiness rating
In whatever relationships you were (including being single, or parents-son, brother-sister, friends, marriage, love-affair, etc.), how many of them were actually giving you happiness?

Job/Study-Happiness rating
If you spent the majority of your time doing your regular office work or studies did it actually bring happiness to you? Were you working in the field, area, domain, sector, industry, role you wanted to?

Unfortunate-but-Fruitful rating
Was there a case that year, where something unfortunate or ugly happened to you, but in the long run, it actually turned out to be good for you (maybe because it made you stronger, or maybe because it let you go of something good but later brought something better in its place)?

Ugly-and-Disastrous rating
Did any unfortunate or ugly event happen to you, which broke/destroyed you from inside?