5 Questions that decide SUCCESS & FAILURE in all Endeavors of Life

***** the 5 Questions *****

"What you should do" or "What you should REALLY do"

Understand this question with an example -
When Lord Shri Krishna was 16 years old, his guru Sandipani Muni came and told him that he has a greater purpose in life. Krishna struggles and replies that he doesn't need/want it, as he already loves what he was, where he was, and with whom he was - i.e. in the village enjoying life with villagers and cattle. After a long discussion, Krishna finally agrees to his teacher's words and takes the next steps, as directed by him...

So, the point is, this question of what you should do, can be answered only by a person who has an insight into the future - by your mentor or a visionary, but in today's times, even their answers can be questionable/doubtful.

"What life expects you to do"

Here 'Life' is a metaphor for the situations and people around us.
What these people want/need from us, can be in total contrast to what we want to do.

"What you want you to do"

You can always have a divided thought on what you want to do - because it is very much possible that you want to do something for achieving a short-term-goal, while you want to do something entirely different for achieving a long-term-goal...

"What you can do"

What you can do is mostly defined by what you are good at - what skills do you possess - you might have come in possession of these skills either naturally or by study/practice

"What you are doing"

This is pretty simple, I guess... 

***** How to Decide *****

Lets say, following are the answers to your questions:

What you should do -
Travel the world. Start a traveling youtube channel (as suggested by your mentor)

What life expects you to do - 
Helping your father in his almost-dead business

What you want you to do - 
Acting in web series

What you can do - 
Writing (but you are not doing it, as it does not generate much money)

What you are doing - 
Sales job

So, returning to the original question, how do you decide, how to achieve success?

Answer - TBD
