Beware! your argument can be shot down using the Ad Hominem strategy

It is a fallacious argumentative strategy whereby genuine discussion of the topic at hand is avoided by instead attacking the character, motive, or other attribute of the person making the argument, or persons associated with the argument, rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself.

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9 people who proved that "Keep trying - Never give up" is the Success Mantra

How many times should you try before rationally quitting?

Intuitively, you would think there is a number that most people will attempt before the survival instincts kick in.

What is that number?

The startup world is full of seemingly instant successes. People hack together a website, and the next day thousands of users roll in. That might happen for 1% of people. What does that mean for you? Most likely you will not be that 1%.

So, the question is, how many times you should try before it becomes pointless?

Some sample numbers, that can help you, find your Number:

3 times Steven Spielberg was rejected by University of Southern California Film School [biography at Yahoo Movies].

25 times Tim Ferris’s book The 4 Hour Work Week was rejected by publishers.

162 times the author of this infographic made searches for this data.

300 times founder of approached investors before he got funding.

400 times Richard Branson launched companies before he finally founded one that is out of this world [Virgin Galactic].

1009 times Colonel Sanders who just started KFC was turned down when he tried selling his fried chicken recipe.

1500 times Sylvester Stallone was rejected when he tried selling his script and himself as what would become the film “Rocky” [account by Tony Robbins, Stallone’s personal friend].

5126 times James Dyson created failed prototypes of his vacuum cleaner before succeeding.

10000 times Thomas Edison created failed prototypes of his electric bulb before succeeding.

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why did you wake up today

What keeps us going in life?
What is that one thing that drives us?
What makes us tick?

It is our desire to achieve something.
That 'something' is our Motivation.
Everyone is living/working for that 1 thing that they either wish to get or they wish to retain (if they already have it).

That 1 thing can be either/some of the following:
1. Money
2. Fame
3. Power
4. Success
5. Love of someone/family
6. Health

Liars are those who say that they are simply living & have no motivation in life whatsoever!!!

If you do not crave for anything, I say that your motivation is 'Nothing'.
Let's try to understand this... When I say 'Nothing', it means that you are perfectly okay with 3 things:
1. What you have already got
2. What you are currently getting
3. What you expect to get in future
This in-turn means, that you crave for 'Stability' or 'ZERO Change'.

Even if you do not crave for anything, your motivation is:
'Nothing' = 'Stability' = 'ZERO Change'

understanding Freedom and unleashing its true Power

Freedom is one of the most misused word in any language.

Most people think that to have 'Complete Freedom' means to:
Do Whatever Wherever Whenever to/with Whoever I Wish to.

Unfortunately, if that is freedom, I can say with 101% confidence that NO ONE on earth will ever approve of it for sure.

So, if that is not freedom, what is?

Freedom has been beutifully defined in 1 single line by an Australian author 'Kim John Payne'.
And this is what he quotes:

Independence isn't doing your Own thing.
It is doing the Right thing on your Own.

what is Varchasva and who has it

Let's try to decode the word वर्चस्व which is pronounced as Var-Cha-Sva

Varchasva is a Hindi & Sanskrit language word which is used to describe the “Endless Power, Total Control, Complete Domination” state of a person or a group of persons who is; thus; considered to be “extremely / extraordinarily Superior, Prime, Bright, Fast, Brilliant, Powerful, Strong”

In short, a person or group who has Varchasva is nothing but “The Lord

why Talent is trivial, unimportant, inessential for Success

If you think that successful people succeeded in their lives; living through all those disastrous & fatal failures; because of their TALENT, you must know 2 Facts about TALENT & SUCCESS:

TALENT is highly overrated.
In most of the cases, TALENT never guarantees SUCCESS.

If you put the below mentioned 10 simple things; that require ZERO TALENT; into action, and make it a part of your daily life, they will guarantee your SUCCESS:

1. being on Time
2. Work Ethic
3. Effort
4. Body Language
5. Energy
6. Attitude
7. Passion
8. being Coachable
9. doing Extra
10. being Prepared